Category Archives: relationship building

Utilizing the KISS Method for Your Twitter Campaign

When companies approach us because they are interested in increasing their visibility to reach their target audience, it’s inevitable that we’ll be asked the question of the day – What about Twitter?  The social networking site has changed the way we share information and engage with influencers, but when companies decide to embark on a Twitter program they often feel like they are Christopher Columbus sailing to India for spices – In other words they are lost.   We recommend to our clients that they adhere to the “KISS” (Keep It Simple Stupid) method.  Here are 10 “KISS” suggestions we share with our clients to help them get started on a successful Twitter campaign.

1)   Choose A Twitter Handle That Makes Sense – Ideally, your company name should be Twitter handle.  If you think you’ll have more than one Twitter handle consider adding “news” or “support” to the end.

2)   Select An Avatar That Works For Your Brand – Your company logo is usually appropriate.

3)   Follow Appropriate Twitter Handles – Your target audience is on Twitter, you just need to find them.  Companies should conduct daily searches using key industry terms to see who’s talking about what matters to you.  Chances are if you follow them, they might actually follow you back!

4)   Say Something! – You are on Twitter to interact with your target market.  Push out your message, enhance your visibility and be seen as a thought leader.

5)   Twitter Etiquette – Know when it’s appropriate to send a RT, a DM, a MT or a @.  Just like your mother taught you, it’s all about manners

6)   Retweets – Share the best links and Tweets that matter to your business and develop relationships with Twitter followers that you care about.

7)   Engage Using @ Replies – In order to be successful, companies need to create a two-way dialogue with their followers.   Don’t be afraid to start the conversation!

8)   Clean Up Your Twitter Page – Many of your followers will be spam.  Remember to clean up your Twitter page by blocking these followers in order to maintain your brands credibility.

9)   Brand Your Twitter Page – Be sure to take advantage of the exposure your Twitter handle will get and brand your page!

10)  Follow Us! – Be sure to add your Twitter name to your email signature, website and anything else you can think of in order to connect with new users.

At Sniper Public Relations we feel that Twitter is a great tool to engage with your audience on a personal level. In the end, new fans can be found and even sales agreements can get started all with the power of Twitter.  So jump on in! Your target market is eager to hear from you!